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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Busyness Week ;)

It was business week last month in university, so yeah busy week. For weeks of mind torturing night  before the selling both, my team and I was compiling the $$ plan. By the plan, it was very promising that I'll be millionaire in no time, but here I am :)

The thingy I planned to put on shelf was the DIY  bronze charm bracelets. I got my stock and set up the price and the earning margin. Take a  bracelets:

My first 2 lovely bracelets and a pair of bear <3

I ordered quite a lot of stock and worried I couldn't sell it off because it might not be a demanded thing for student which should be food and entertainment mainly. So the price was set quite low and the profit was reduced.

The booth configuration with shelf of our product:

Also product my teammates were selling - masks and other kind of bracelets and amulets:

and here's our sign:

It was very busy during the week because it actually have a lot of customers reach up on us. I was very busy fixing the charms too. My teammates and I was having shifts to watch over the booth so we could get the booth covered from morning through night.

On rainy day, we closed our booth and when I have class, my teammates took care of the booth. It turned up that the bronze charm bracelets was a good business. I wonder if the price tag was too low, and that kind of making me unsatisfied just to think that I can earn more hahah :D

After the week ended, I was left with leftover stock :p

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunflower journal :)

Last year while going for some variety on muffin baking, I've bought sunflower and pumpkin seeds from Tesco for the add-on. Seeing them are raw, I've planted them to see if they'll grow, and they did! Regardless of what kind of sunflower variety it was, I was very looking forward to see them bloom :) 

Here's them in 3 weeks after germination, I've put them on wet wool, they had no shell, so the water absorption was very good and they germinated overnight, just like growing tauge :p  They’re out of my expectation though, because I never thought almost all of them will get germinated. So there was so many seedling and I had no idea which one should be kept, so eventually I kept most of them, I have like 6 sunflowers survived =D

3rd week seedling

Another picture showing them at 20 days (~3 weeks). They’ve grown up to a foot now. I had moved them to bigger pot, still they sharing the same pot though. Looking up internet suggested the sunflower to be planted on ground where they should be separated far enough so they get less compete between each other can grow healthy. Well my house didn’t have the space >_<

20 days old sunflowers

At the 4th week, their leaves already pushing each other apart. I had some other sunflowers growing individually in other small pot though. But this pot will be sharing until they bloom. It was raining season and they always get bend by the raindrops. 3-4 weeks old and very vulnerable to the lethal raindrops. I used wooden stick to support them. At close inspection, I saw one injured spider dwelling in a leave from one of the sunflower. It pulled in the leaves and stick it together to form curved, protected and safe home. I didn’t hush it away though J glad to keep it as guardian for little pest that troubling my sunflower. One of the pest was leaf hopper, green one and red one. They suck the sap out of the plant and drip it out from their bud as protection fee for the ants. Stupid combination :’(

4th week
Dwelling spider

At the 5th week, as you can see, they were growing taller and more leaves. They start not getting enough sunlight, so I put them on top of my concrete fence so they can …reach for the sun!!! They were very sunlight craving buddies. In morning they always facing to the sun and when evening when I check on them once more, they were facing sun, at the west side. I wonder what happen during night, they must had been move their head to the east by themselves. Flower buds already appear on this week.

5th week
Flower bud appeared
On sixth week, no more leaves growing from the top because the flower bud already appear, one for each plant, so the leaves just growing in size. And the flower head just growing in size too, developing the structure inside.

6th week

On seventh week, the flower head started to grow away from the nearest leaf, growing like a giraffe neck. The leaves were strategically arranged. If the sunlight came from top, by speculates the leaves arrangement from the top, you can see that all leaves will expose to the sunlight.

7th week

On eighth week, very obvious the flower head had grown that big and tall. Well it just one meter tall though. I wished I can grow a tall variety like sunflower mammoth that shown on internet, reaching 4-6 meters and that, but really I did have the seeds, and the mammoth was dead hitting by strong raindrops :’( also I didn’t have the land to plant it :) See the close up picture of the flower head a few days after eighth week :p In the picture was the one growing individually in smaller pot instead of sharing.

8th week

On ninth week, which was Chinese New Year 1st day, the flower head petal had started to open. I guess this variety doesn’t open all in one shot though. The florets on the flower head started to bloom though, from outer ring to inner, day by day. The rest of the petals open up on consecutive days, all through the first 3 days of Chinese New Year. I’ve noticed that when the flower head was going to bloom, it will stop following the sun =D so if a sunflower head no longer follow sun by that day, the next day the petal should start open hmmm hmmm

CNY 1st day
CNY 2nd day
CNY 3rd day

At full opening, the petals formed a diameter of 6.5” across. Luckily the stem of the plant wasn’t heavy and the plant wasn’t grew too tall, so the small pot with the weight of its soil was enough to hold stable everything. I was expecting butterfly or bees to come over to harvest the nectar and help pollinate but at least in day time I’ve seen none of them came over, so I used a Q-tip and collect and rolled the pollen over the stigma of the florets hahahahaha


On 10th week, with the disaster rain and all that, the sunflower head bend over. Maybe is because the head had grown heavier too due to the seeds forming inside. One benefit when growing seeds with drooping head is that the birds will have no place to stand and dining in our seeds, so it actually is a protection mechanism probably developed (maybe human selection) by the plant itself.

Drooping heads :(
Look sad :(

The petals dried and withered off one by one on the floor in a week after bloom. I noticed that the life of the bloom ended when the florets bloomed to the center of the flower head. So we can actually know the lifespan of the bloom by looking at the florets progress in the center.

Florets open from the outer ring

Approximately a month after withering, the leaves dried up from bottom to top, and the stem followed until the seed head. I harvested the seeds and noticed the unfertilized seed, just with empty shells. So many seeds for the next generation, but too bad I had no place to plant it. By turn over the pot, I saw the root had gone into every corner of the soil in the pot, even came out at the bottom. So happy and had a very good experience planting sunflower.
Dried seed head
Empty shells

So I did bought many more seeds. See down there I had succeed growing sunflower sunspot, with a very big bloom!!! The seeds were all empty though it looks round (no picture). Also I had grown two sunflower taiyo, I wanted it to be at least 3 meters tall though, I get less than a meter tall plant, with 8” petals diameter bloom L still happy though hehe

Sunflower sunspot
Sunflower taiyo

That’s all for the sunflower journal =P green and nature are the best part of life.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Astrid - tentang rasa

Heard it over ERA tonight, love it somehow

Aku tersesat menuju hatimu
Beri aku jalan yang indah
Izinkanku lepas penatku
Tuk sejenak lelap di bahumu

Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Tentang cinta yang datang perlahan
Membuatku takut kehilangan
Kau titipkan cahaya terang
Tak padam didera goda dan masa

Repeat reff [2x]
Dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
Menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
Dapatkah selamanya kekal abadi
Sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cinnamon roll!

It was a lazy weekend to get up and do something easy for my evening tea time :) so a quick scroll on the internet and I found this cinnamon recipe! =D

Getting everything prepare, I was ready to perform my skill :3
Usually for bread dough (such as pizza) I havent make use of eggs, but since this particular recipe uses eggs, I'm surprise by the end result. 

Batch#1 just finish rolled and cut.
 By the flour used, I was able to produce 2 batches of small & cute cinnamon rolls. I dare not to use too much sugar and butter for the cinnamon filling though, it will get too sweet and the butter will flood while baking, just like how I bake croissant last time HAHAHAHA!

Batch#2 planning on putting the topping on this one.
 Second batch was more thin when rolled out, just to make it nine :p each of them have to be smaller. After these batches are rolled out, I let them rise one more time just to see them grow =D

Batch#1 after second rise :)
 After second rise, batch#1 have grown bigger in thickness and the terminal of the roll started to came off, maybe the butter in the filling doesnt make it stick well. Look at the top-left one! The center curl up because it is harder to grow sideway.

Batch#2 after second rise
 The batch#2 second rise doesnt do much, probably when rolling batch#1 it already rise one more time and then get rolled out with the second rise volume =P

Batch#1 in oven baking!
Batch#1 was baking in oven! It look really disgusting sometime because the sugar & butter melt like volcano...or shit... ~__~

Batch#1 after bake
 It came out dark on the surface though, one thing it was due to butter, the other was due to the color of cinnamon.

Batch#1 see this special reach-for-the-sky buddy =P

 This one from batch#1 was the tallest haha!

Batch#2 with topping

For the batch#2, I've managed to make some topping because I wanted to try it out the taste with topping, and I also have all the ingredients in my fridge.

#! the cinnamon rolls taste good! The topping though doesnt suit my taste, but still edible though.

Next UP! to try when I not so lazy -> morning bun

similar things u see, but uses croissant dough, feel lazy just to think of croissant dough, because it will take more time and efforts to make it =_______=

until next time :p

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lagu Terbilang UMK

Lirik Lagu: Terbilang UMK - Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)

Biru, jingga dan merah warnanya
Semangat sumpah setia
Inovatif, Integriti
Ilmu diterokai

Warisan, budaya, sumber asli
Keusahawanan teras kami
Kekayaan akal dan budi
Mendidik, insan yang sejati

Merintis perubahan terkini
Demi-Mu Yang Maha Pencipta
Merealisasi Visi menjadi realiti
Demi negara tercinta

Relevan, unik dan berbeza
Penjana peradaban bangsa
Janji kami pada semua
Taburi, jasa di mana jua

[Ulang Korus]

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Terbilang UMK

Monday, October 15, 2012

A little bit about that time travel

Time travel has always been a wonder for human, noticeably in cartoon like Doraemon and movie like Back to the Future etc. Some people think it is possible some doesn't. I think maybe in Buddhism they mentioned about the light scattered and reflecting around universe still may reveal the past. One theory I like is Einstein's.

In Einstein's theory of relativity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_relativity the time travel seems possible in theory...well if the condition are satisfied. Forget about all those complex equation from the theory, and get to the logic by case study, depicted by the following video which helped me to understand the time travel in great depth, despite my simple brain cells:


In the explanation, the two plane was traveling at maybe near or at speed of light while playing reflect the light between the plane. one plane emit the light and waiting to receive it back when the other plane reflect it with a mirror on it. Hard to imagine how the time travel occurs without the video. 

*P/S: so funny to have "Bertrand" on one ship though, one great man to admire: 

The key for the phenomenon to occur is due to the constant speed of light in vacuum. Speed of light cannot go faster anymore, so the time has to slow down for the people in the plane because only that the light will reflect between the planes at the speed of light, despite that the planes already traveling at speed of light, and also despite the longer distance traveled by the photon between the planes. Because the time slow down for the people in the planes, that means relative to them, the outside world is moving faster, or in another words, they traveled into future.

So to speak the human have found a way for traveling into future, but the funny thing is that we cannot achieve speed of light yet... we are far from traveling at speed of light. Now that traveling around speed of light can bring us to future, how if we want to go back to the past?

As if time travel is as easy as get into the drawer of your desk...    =_______=

Greater physics, modern physics is still under research, mainly focusing on the data provided by the Large Hadron Collider http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider that built beneath the Franco-Swiss border. Video? A lot from youtube, here's one: 

Simple explanation of how the collider works. When people said about the end of the world by the December 2012, I would've believe it is because of the accident caused by the LHC, not some gods punishment. haha. Black hole out of control maybe :-p

What to say? E = mc^2, massive energy from mass, or m = E / c^2, there how mass is created from energy. That's probably how universe is created, from scattered energy in the universe. Or are they still play spring bombing; expand & collapse & expand & collapse etc ?

Anyhow I better live my life now, nothing I can do to change, but it is exhilarating to have some knowledge on this =D look at sky and wonder!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Naughty Lil Bastards

What happen to those little bastards? Long time didn't see them, but it looks like they're having quite a lot of fun...

The brown grandpa has decided to stuck his head by the steering wheel... wth look at his face =.=

 now the papa and mama follow his trace too, what a crazy family ah brown, ah grey and ah white

 There! the grandson climb up altogether, kinda disturbing while people are driving! My bf gonna crash before driving to destination   T________________T

You know what happen after? They've gotten tired and going play hiding in the little storage between the front seat, raccoon, red panda and badger were like family...

Miss them now... I wonder if family size has increased? ;)

Monday, October 8, 2012


How to describe the feeling tonight? hmmm...

if the feeling to be expressed by a piece of music, that'll be this piece

Yeah well if ppl manage to finish listening to all 9 min of it.

following by lovely and calm pieces from Debussy

The moonlight shall drive the mind to the peace tonight and allow the mortal to sleep like there's no tomorrow...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Here I am

Here I am arrived at UMK, studying my degree program offered by the generous government. AFter all, how smart they are to pick me the eighth choice.

Preparation for the first semester never seem enough, and it took me the whole month to figure out and buy the items that required for my life here in hostel. And still I lack a few items to buy, only to figure that out when I actually start staying here in the hostel. Even though Pantai Timur Hypermarket just around the corner, I still wishes to be able to buy another water supply for me now. Look at the water I got from the pipe:

This is water we will get if we put rusted pipe in the water for at time. I guess the university never concern about of our health, OR maybe they're providing us with free "mineral" water. I guess nobody will have iron deficiency symptom living on the water =D haha. Of course these "mineral" water is very costly, so the hostel management decided to turn off the water on one block few times everyday, so to see who is lucky enough just happened to showering with shampoo all around during the "mineral water spa".......

 The journey to Kelantan from Kulim was quite...well the good thing is by the car we won't need to pass through any toll. However, we must drive along the road where the giant snake once left as a path. It was a blessing I didn't throw up, or met any wild life while on the road. I could met one or two elephants though and ask them bring me water some times, that'd be good too =D

While living in these poor but paid environment, I still have mine birthday celebrated! Even though away from home, friends and family, new friends and acquaintances held up a surprise birthday celebration for me and another friend who share the same birthdate =D It was a happy night.

 Staying here for a month now and I miss my home a lot. I wonder how big the tortoises has grown? I got some pictures snapped right from where they staying =)

Few more weeks and they probably have difficulties to turn their body! haha. Never get a photo yet for the big one though. From the picture here the bigger one ought to be green tea, and the smaller one red tea. That's their name yeah. They started out same size but one is more active and have more appetite that's how they differ now.

I miss my mom and her cooking now. Getting hungry! It's lunch time. Missing the freedom of food back in the hometown, I hardly find pork now here in Kelantan except that Chinatown which I unable to reach by walking ;) Anyway, I'm looking forward to back in Kulim ...and visit Penang for its food!!! Regardless of all daging and ayam that mostly found here I think I've put up some weight too. Haha now that's a blessing.