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Monday, October 15, 2012

A little bit about that time travel

Time travel has always been a wonder for human, noticeably in cartoon like Doraemon and movie like Back to the Future etc. Some people think it is possible some doesn't. I think maybe in Buddhism they mentioned about the light scattered and reflecting around universe still may reveal the past. One theory I like is Einstein's.

In Einstein's theory of relativity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_relativity the time travel seems possible in theory...well if the condition are satisfied. Forget about all those complex equation from the theory, and get to the logic by case study, depicted by the following video which helped me to understand the time travel in great depth, despite my simple brain cells:


In the explanation, the two plane was traveling at maybe near or at speed of light while playing reflect the light between the plane. one plane emit the light and waiting to receive it back when the other plane reflect it with a mirror on it. Hard to imagine how the time travel occurs without the video. 

*P/S: so funny to have "Bertrand" on one ship though, one great man to admire: 

The key for the phenomenon to occur is due to the constant speed of light in vacuum. Speed of light cannot go faster anymore, so the time has to slow down for the people in the plane because only that the light will reflect between the planes at the speed of light, despite that the planes already traveling at speed of light, and also despite the longer distance traveled by the photon between the planes. Because the time slow down for the people in the planes, that means relative to them, the outside world is moving faster, or in another words, they traveled into future.

So to speak the human have found a way for traveling into future, but the funny thing is that we cannot achieve speed of light yet... we are far from traveling at speed of light. Now that traveling around speed of light can bring us to future, how if we want to go back to the past?

As if time travel is as easy as get into the drawer of your desk...    =_______=

Greater physics, modern physics is still under research, mainly focusing on the data provided by the Large Hadron Collider http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider that built beneath the Franco-Swiss border. Video? A lot from youtube, here's one: 

Simple explanation of how the collider works. When people said about the end of the world by the December 2012, I would've believe it is because of the accident caused by the LHC, not some gods punishment. haha. Black hole out of control maybe :-p

What to say? E = mc^2, massive energy from mass, or m = E / c^2, there how mass is created from energy. That's probably how universe is created, from scattered energy in the universe. Or are they still play spring bombing; expand & collapse & expand & collapse etc ?

Anyhow I better live my life now, nothing I can do to change, but it is exhilarating to have some knowledge on this =D look at sky and wonder!

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